

GO-Part 1: Anthony

WARNING: Chi-English, Grammar Errors Exist, Tense Confusions Exist.  


初稿写自2019. 9. 27。(10.2下午又尽力抢救了一下最初电子版的硬核翻译和结尾并重新发布)


  Crowley once was an angel, and was named "Anthony". "He" was an archangel, but played with Lucifer. (Actually Anthony just chatted with Lucifer for a few words. According to what Crowley said at the bar after "he" lost "his" bf.)


  "He" fell. And was full of pain, hating God as well. But "he" could still felt a little bit of love, sometimes. 


  Anthony, an angel before, now turned into a black and red sanke. "He" loves "his" snake body, and likes to play on the grass. "He" dislikes the name "Anthony", so "he"names himself as "Crawley" first, then as "Crowley" instead, "he" thinks the last two names sounds more like a snake's than the first one. "He" is a demon now, and "he" was instructed to tempt people into the hell. "He" tried. But "he" didn't feel any satisfied. When "he" saw a person, who fell into the hell because of "his" temptation, the pain on his/her face made Crawley uncomfortable. So Crowley decided not to tempt humans into hell any more. "He" has emotions to human beings a bit for some time. "He" just makes some bad invention on the earth, and unfriendly treats grass, and other plants. "He" is strict with those poor things. For example, "he" can't bear any spot on a plant. So to the plants, Crowley is a unfeeling killer. In fact, Crowley quite loves planting (maybe),because planting always makes "him" relxed. 


  Before Crawley started to tempt humans into hell, "he " met Aziraphale. In that "nice" day, rain was invented. Someone arranged for "him" to tempt Adam and Eva, a couple of people in the garden of Eden, in order to make some evil movements. So Crawley crawled up into the garden in silence. After accomplished "his" task, "he" planned to leave. Just then, "he" saw something holy and white. Snakes are sensitive to anything pale and shiny, and Crawley can't help "himself" to slide to the holy and white angel over the east wall. As Crawley were getting closer and closer to the angel, "he" found that the angel was watching the couple and a lion next to them, anxiously. Anxiety? This kind of expression never has never shown on any angel's face Crawley knew, and Crawley "himself" never felt anxious when "he" was an angel, neither.


  Angels love every single creature on the earth, but their loves are selfless and inflexible, just that kind of pure-which makes Crawley feels sick-love. However, the angel over the east wall of Eden, usually with a flaming sword in "his" hand but not at that moment, is full of a really strong love of those creatures far from "him", and "his" love was personal, and was quite differennt from the others. The angel seemed to be really focused on those creatures with care. 


  The angel over there, who was full of strong love, made Crawley feel secure without any reason. And the angel was so attractive to Crawley that Crawley slided more quickly. Crawley is next to the angel right now."He" suddenly wants to talk to the angel, and "he" turned into a human's appearance with "his" big and black spreading wings. The angel looks cute. Crawley thinks. "And 'he' doesn't mind my presence. "Then Crawley opens "his" mouth to speak, with words "he" thinks great and briliant. Certainly, the angel isn't following with Crawley, because "he" keeps "his" eyes on those creatures. 

  这个真挚地爱着万物的天使没来由地让克蠕戾很安心。且牠对克蠕戾有着强烈的吸引力,这使后者向着前者移动得更快了。此时此刻, 克蠕戾在天使的身旁突然产生了想要和牠聊聊天的想法。于是牠变成了人类的外貌,还展开了牠巨大漆黑的翅膀。这个天使看起来很是可爱,克蠕戾如是想着。“而且牠似乎并不介意我的出现。”此后克蠕戾说了些牠自认为绝妙的话。可以肯定的是,东墙天使并没有很在意克蠕戾的话,因为牠一直紧盯着那些生物。

  While Crawley was talking to the angel, "he" knew the angel's name, "Aziraphale". Obviously, it was a holy name, and it sounded really "nice". Crawley noticed that Aziraphale kept watching those creatures and seldom looked at "him". But Crawley was not mad at all. "He" enjoyed the feeling of Aziraphale's love showing up, and "his" gaze on the creatures. 


  Crawley kept on chatting, and observed Aziraphale's expressions on his lovely face as well. Crawley hesitated to have more communications with Aziraphale at first, finally "he" unbearably asked about the situation of the flaming sword, the stuff which should be in the angel's hand. Aziraphale's answer shocked Crawley indeed- Aziraphale gave "his" flaming sword to Adam, the male human being! Which kind of angel would give its own weapon away? 


  Angels' weapons, like the flaming sword, were given by God. Any angel would never give its own weapon to others-but Aziraphale, in order to protect the couple's unborn baby's safety, did give "his" own flaming sword away! That's incredible! When the demon Crawley was the archangel Anthony, "he" was incompetent but at least "he" had never have a thought about giving "his" bow and arrows away. And Aziraphale's unbelievable behaviour made Crawley start to regard the angel in front of "him" as a literal angel, who was completely different from Gabriel or other emotionless, selfless, inflexible and soulless angels with "pure love". Crawley thought those angels are fake and disgusted. What's more ridiculous was that the angels were fond of going to wars with demons just to prove that their side is more powerful! Wars are the most boring thing that Crawley had ever thought, it is meaingless and so cruel that even Crawley who as a demon also thinks wars are too dark. 


  Now Crawley found an real angel, Aziraphale, who is sincerely kind and nice, and is willing to spread "his" left swing to keep out the first rain on the earth for a demon "he" had just met, without any hesitation. Crawley admires and also develops a great interest in Aziraphale. "He" wants to get along well with "him". 



·Demons hate four-letter words such as "holy", "nice", "kind", "love" and so on, and four-letter words ususally are "purer" but less "evil". 恶魔们讨厌像“神圣的”,“好心的”,“友善的”、“爱”等等的四字母词,而且“圣洁的”一类往往比“邪恶的”一类要多。



·Part 2手写原稿几天前写完了,字数大于Part 1的两倍;我也不知道为什么就P1这点字我搞了几个小时,再加上不可抗力因素(作业)所以P2大概是没时间码字到老福特了,但鉴于我的确是写了我还是↓




